
In today’s interconnected world, food systems are more than just a complex network of activities and processes. They are the lifeblood that ensures we have enough food to eat, that it’s nutritious, and that our planet can sustainably support us. These systems encompass everything from planting seeds in the ground to enjoying a meal with loved ones. It’s important for us to understand the different components and challenges of food systems so that we can tackle global issues like climate change and environmental degradation.

At the heart of any food system lies the production phase, where farmers cultivate crops, raise livestock, and harvest fish or seafood. It’s here that sustainable practices become crucial. Taking care of the soil, using water efficiently, and controlling pests in natural ways are all vital to minimize our impact on the environment and preserve our precious resources.

Once food is harvested, it goes through processing and manufacturing stages to transform it into various products. These processes, such as cleaning, sorting, cooking, and packaging, not only make our food safer and last longer but also add value to the products. Efficient food processing facilities are essential to maintain the quality of our food throughout the supply chain.

After processing, comes the distribution and logistics phase, where food is transported and delivered to markets, stores, restaurants, and institutions. A well-designed network of transportation systems, including trucks, ships, planes, and railways, helps us reduce waste and ensure that food reaches its destination on time. Effective management of logistics improves the efficiency of the entire food system.

Then, it’s up to retail outlets like supermarkets, farmers’ markets, and restaurants to make sure that food meets the needs of consumers. What we choose to buy and eat greatly influences the demand for different types of food products and shapes the overall food system. By promoting healthy and sustainable choices, we can create a resilient and nutritious food system for everyone.

Food waste and loss are significant challenges we face in our food systems. Proper management of food waste, such as recycling and composting, is vital to protect our environment and conserve resources. Minimizing food waste not only helps us use our resources wisely but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Governments, international organizations, and regulatory bodies play a crucial role in shaping our food systems through policies, regulations, and incentives. Their actions support sustainable production methods, ensure food safety standards, and address social and economic issues related to food access and affordability. Strong policy frameworks and effective governance are essential for building resilient and equitable food systems.

Socioeconomic and cultural factors also influence our food systems. Dietary preferences, traditions, and food-related behaviors vary across different communities and impact food availability, accessibility, and affordability. It’s important for us to address these factors and create inclusive and equitable food systems that prioritize food security and improved livelihoods for all.

The concept of food systems has gained increasing attention as we face global challenges like population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation. The United Nations recognizes the importance of food systems in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 2, which focuses on ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

To build sustainable food systems, we need to adopt environmentally friendly and resource-efficient agricultural practices. This includes methods like organic farming, agroecology, precision agriculture, and conservation agriculture, which minimize the use of chemicals, protect soil health, conserve water, and promote biodiversity. These practices not only reduce the environmental impact but also contribute to long-term food security by preserving natural resources and making our food system more resilient to climate change.

Reducing food loss and waste is another important aspect of building a resilient food system. Approximately one-third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted, leading to significant economic, social, and environmental consequences. We can address this issue by improving post-harvest handling, and implementing better storage and transportation infrastructure. Enhanced packaging and labeling can also help in reducing food waste. Furthermore, educating consumers and raising awareness about the impact of food waste can encourage responsible consumption habits.

Inclusivity and equity are vital considerations when it comes to our food systems. Access to nutritious and affordable food is a fundamental right that should be available to all individuals. Unfortunately, hunger and malnutrition still plague millions of people worldwide. To achieve true food security, we must not only increase food production but also address underlying issues such as poverty, gender inequality, and inadequate infrastructure. Empowering small-scale farmers and marginalized communities through improved access to land, credit, markets, and agricultural technologies can make a significant difference. By doing so, we can create more equitable food systems that uplift livelihoods and ensure that everyone has access to the nourishment they need.

In the face of global challenges, building sustainable and resilient food systems has become imperative. By adopting environmentally friendly agricultural practices, reducing food loss and waste, and promoting inclusivity and equity, we can pave the way for a future where food security, nutrition, and sustainable development are achievable for all. The United Nations’ recognition of food systems as a key driver in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals highlights the urgency for us to transform our current practices and create food systems that not only nourish people but also protect our planet. It is a collective effort that requires us to work together, hand in hand, to shape a brighter future through resilient and sustainable food systems.

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December 17, 2022 VIDEOS0

Have you heard of jackfruit? It’s a tropical fruit that’s native to South and Southeast Asia, and it’s quickly gaining popularity all around the world.

But it’s not just delicious and unique in flavor – jackfruit is also incredibly nutritious. It’s a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium.

So, what does jackfruit taste like? Some say it has a tropical, fruity flavor similar to a combination of pineapple, mango, and banana. Well, we couldn’t agree more.

It’s often used as a meat alternative in dishes like pulled “pork” sandwiches or vegan curries.

Jackfruit can grow to be quite large – they are known for being one of the largest tree-borne fruits in the world. The fruit can range in size from about 10 to 100 pounds, although it is most commonly found in the range of 20 to 60 pounds.

The size of jackfruit is determined by several factors, including the variety of the tree and the growing conditions. In general, jackfruit trees can reach heights of up to 100 feet and have a spread of around 50 feet.

In addition to the fruit itself, the jackfruit tree is also notable for its large leaves, which can grow up to 3 feet long and 2 feet wide.

But jackfruit isn’t just for vegans and vegetarians – it’s a tasty and healthy option for anyone looking to mix up their meals.

So next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t be afraid to give jackfruit a try! Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.

December 15, 2022 BLOGVIDEOS0

Potatoes are one of the most versatile and widely consumed crops in the world. From French fries to potato chips to mashed potatoes, these starchy tubers are a staple in many diets. But did you know that the potato has a rich history and plays a crucial role in global agriculture?

Potatoes originated in the Andean region of South America and were first cultivated by the indigenous people of the area. The Incas considered potatoes to be a sacred food and even used them as a form of currency. In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors introduced potatoes to Europe where they quickly became a popular crop due to their ability to grow in a wide range of climates and soil conditions.

Today, potatoes are grown in over 100 countries and are the fourth most important food crop in the world. In the United States, potatoes are the number one vegetable crop with over 1.1 million acres dedicated to their production. The majority of these potatoes are used to make processed foods such as chips and fries, but they are also used for animal feed and as a source of starch for industrial purposes.

One of the key factors that makes potatoes such a successful crop is their ability to adapt to different growing conditions. Potatoes can be grown in a variety of climates and soil types, from cold and wet regions to hot and dry ones. This allows farmers to grow potatoes in areas that are not suitable for other crops, making them an important food source in many parts of the world.

Another advantage of potatoes is their high yield potential. A single potato plant can produce multiple potatoes, making them a very efficient crop in terms of land use. Potatoes also require fewer inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides compared to other crops, which makes them more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Despite their many benefits, potatoes also face challenges. One of the biggest threats to potato production is the emergence of pests and diseases. Potatoes are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, such as the Colorado potato beetle and potato blight, which can cause significant damage to crops. To combat these threats, farmers rely on a combination of cultural practices, such as crop rotation, and chemical treatments.

In conclusion, potatoes are an essential food crop that has played a crucial role in global agriculture. Their versatility, adaptability, and high yield potential make them a valuable food source for many people around the world. Despite the challenges they face, potatoes continue to be a staple in diets and will continue to be an important part of the global agricultural landscape.


Video credit: John Deere

From unmanned tractors to robots, drones, gadgets and AI/ML and big data, the agricultural industry is being transformed with the advent of digital revolution and 5G has everything to do with it.

With the current state of global food security and extreme hunger, agricultural sustainability is more critical now than ever and smart farming definitely plays a vital role in food crop production. The amalgamation of 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data and edge computing provides a powerful element which could forever change smart farming which can lead to agricultural transformation and increased food production.

Agriculture forms the backbone human survival, and yet currently the world is still at the crossroads with increasing food production to meet the global demand given the soaring population that is estimated to reach about 9.7 billion by the mid of the 21st century. With the current technological advancements witnessed globally, it’s dumbfounding that more than two decades into the 21st century farming in most parts of the world still remains largely labor-intensive. Thanks to the penetration of 5G in most parts of the world, farming as it is traditionally known is changing through the automation of the traditional manual labor, marking the advent of modern farming.

Resource Constraints & Challenges in Agriculture

A number of factors have continued to stifle advancement in agriculture to meet the food production needs of the 21st century. The cost of farming and production has been increasing due the high input prices, and increasing cost of other factors of production including labor. The demand for food and other agricultural products is rising while natural resources continue to diminish, and the effects of climate change continue to pummel.  Greenhouse gas emissions are leading to the rise in global temperatures, precipitation patterns are changing, and the infestation of pests, diseases and weeds have continued to reduce crop yields.

The Advent of Smart Farming & Agri-Tech

5G is the next generation of communication systems and is poised to transform agriculture as we know it. Telecommunication carriers are currently on the digital race to rollout high-speed data, 5G-compatible devices and gadgets in their portfolios and within no time 5G will part of our daily lives.

The role of 5G in agriculture cannot be underscored enough as it will increasingly automate the industry which will lead to production of more autonomous agricultural machinery and development of data-driven smart agricultural systems. Conglomerates are now racing against time to develop smart farming systems that can benefit from 5G, AI/ML and edge computing systems. The integration of 5G with other technologies will lead to further advancement of precision farming using customized, data-driven approaches to farm management to replace the traditional cumbersome approaches which lacked the ability to predict future changes in weather and climate patterns, soil nutrient changes and real-time relaying and sharing of data.

The Value of Agri-Tech & Smart Farming

Agri-Tech and Smart Farming play a vital role in making agriculture profitable by improving productivity through advancing precision farming – producing the required crops at the required times in the required amounts, improving yield and flavor per unit area, reducing input waste through data-driven applications, and realizing sustainable agriculture that is resistant to climate change, among other benefits.

Eagmark’s Vision for the Future of Agri-Tech & Smart Farming

Due to the diminishing farmland in Africa, agricultural production has been dwindling while the continent’s population is on a constant growth. Due to the growing number of challenges in agriculture, most individuals are now moving into other professions and this has resulted in a shortage of labor on farms. For the remaining farmers who are continuing to depend on the industry, there is an urgent need to provide them with assistance to meet these challenges.

Eagmark acts as a catalyst and has embarked on an advocacy mission for farmers and agribusiness owners to adopt smart farming and Agri-Tech innovations and inventions to address the issues in agriculture. Eagmark acknowledges the rising expectations for smart farming and is focused on researching the current global trends as well as working with industry giants to facilitate provision of precision agriculture that utilizes big data to improve the future of smart agriculture which will reduce farmers’ burden and achieve better productivity.

The Anticipated Contribution of 5G to Agri-Tech & Smart Farming

5G provides more advanced features that make it different from other past communications systems. These include ultra-high speeds as it is said to be 100 times faster than its predecessor 4G. Secondly 5G has ultra-low latency meaning that users can remotely control any gadget in real time without any delays or time lag allowing for monitoring and control of multiple agricultural machines and detection of individuals and objects in real time. 5G also allows multiple simultaneous connections between devices and other equipment. This will enable synchronized work by multiple agricultural machines in the field under one dependable remote monitoring and control system.

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