Product Details



With its sweet and juicy flesh, the Pear is a favorite among fruit lovers everywhere. This versatile fruit can be enjoyed on its own, added to salads, or baked into a delectable dessert. Its delicate flavor and firm texture make it a perfect addition to any recipe.

Our Pears are carefully selected and hand-picked to ensure that only the best quality fruit reaches your doorstep. We take great care to ensure that our Pears are fresh and ripe, so you can enjoy their full flavor and nutrition.

So why wait? Order your Pears today and experience the delicious flavor and health benefits of this amazing fruit. We guarantee that you will love our Pears and will want to come back for more.

Product Description

Packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, Pears are a healthy choice for any diet. They are low in calories and high in nutrients, making them an ideal snack for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Additional Information

Weight 1 kg



Premium Organic


Same Day


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